
High quality Business Process management by Gamma, enables retail organizations to focus on developing their business while leveraging the expertise of specialists like us for non-core activities.
Gamma retail support services include merchandising, store operations and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These prime offerings are ably supported by analytical solutions that enhance customer, store and product planning.
The stringent requirement of retail organizations is met through consistent SLA management, the use of established quality models and overall engagement effectiveness measures. Add to this, the rich experience of a Management team in the retail domain, and you have customer satisfaction that is on a consistent high.
We at Gamma understand the issues faced by the retail industry. Retailers today in developed markets, have to face market saturation, lesser disposable income of buyers. Where as in emerging markets like India it is other way round, retailers need to be prepared for rapid expansion of capacity. In both the scenarios there is pressure to keep focus on the core business high to avoid losing out to competition. Issues like high operating expenses, increased multi-channel purchases, reduced consumer loyalty and the rise of digital media to influence purchasing decisions are posing challenges in all economies developed or emerging.
Gamma understands that following challenges are faced by the retail industry today.
High Overheads: Rental rates, power and other overheads continue to rise, squeezing margins even further. Retailers must now look inward to absorb the increased overhead costs whilst protecting margins.
Risks associated with supply chain management : With increased focus on cost reduction and the pressure to reduce per unit costs, retail companies now have to build collaborative supply chains. Large / general retailers, who previously relied on other suppliers, are increasingly taking the role of suppliers themselves, thus compelling them to shoulder the supply risk burden as well.
Increased Globalization: Retail industry today faces challenges from Globalisation and increasing diversion of customers to e-commerce companies
Business Analytics: Today retailers are looking up to BPM companies like us for analysing their customer behaviour shopping patterns etc. Retailer are also looking on analytics to make more accurate forecasts, map trends and realign their strategies.
E-Retail: Brick and mortar retailers are now trying to increase their online presence. However, their existing billing ability is inadequate to handle a surge in online purchases.
Going Digital: Retailers have to realign their strategies to account for the increased use of tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices as the mode of purchase and the rise of social media channels such as Facebook, YouT ube and T witter as influencers in purchase decision-making.
Pressure on Margins: Retailers have to cope with rising overheads on processes like Information Technology (IT), Finance and Accounting (F&A) and Human Resources (HR). HR is fast becoming a huge burden for smaller discount-based retailers. Most of these organizations employ a huge amount of staff at standard / basic wage or on temporary employment contracts. Companies need smart systems and processes to manage the high HR administration costs, plan campaigns effectively, collect revenues faster and optimize costs.
The Big Change in Store for Retail: Outsourcing With a global economic recovery likely to remain elusive just yet, retail companies are increasingly looking towards strategies like Business Process Outsourcing or Management and Analytics solutions to save the day.
Partnering with Gamma for a retail company makes business sense the following reasons:
 We have proven processes to link risks with strategic goals, employ resources more effectively and bring down losses. We can help improve risk response and address both operational and reputation risks to the supply chain. The solution can be an agile, collaborative, low cost supply chain with shortened cycle times, accurate demand forecast and higher inventory turns.
 We have the necessary domain expertise to tackle complex legacy systems and updated technologies that help reduce inaccuracies
 We adopt a vertical approach with domain experts who enable retailers to formulate and execute smart business growth strategies to counter market saturation and increased globalization
 With the help of Gamma retailers will be able to make decisions that directly impact business outcome by gaining accurate insight from all the data gathered.
 We would enable retailers to procure the technological assets and skill sets to tackle issues such as online fraud.
 Partnering with us, will allow retailers to reach out to customers with a personalized, unique shopping experience tailored to their needs across multiple channels (including mobile technology and social media channels).
 Given that the overheads on processes like F&A, IT and HR are high due to the sheer nature of the business in retail, it is beneficial for companies to turn to outsourcing to
The benefits of allying with us go far beyond tactical gains. Our analytics can enable winning strategies, helping retailers to tide over turbulent economic conditions and accelerating growth.